Kitchen Dreams Turned Into a DIY Nightmare

  • I had this grand vision of upgrading my countertops myself… turns out, I overestimated my skills. The cuts are uneven, and the whole thing looks like a Pinterest fail. I need a recommendation for a legit expert who can swoop in and save my kitchen. Ideally, someone who does beautiful and durable work—I’m done pretending I know what I’m doing with power tools!


  • Oh man, I feel this deep in my soul. A few years ago, I had this bright idea to install a farmhouse sink myself. I watched a bunch of YouTube videos, borrowed a jigsaw, and thought, *how hard can it be?* Well… an uneven cut, a leaky disaster, and a very judgmental plumber later, I learned my lesson. Some things are just best left to the pros.
    For countertops, I’d say check out EdStone . They do stunning work—durable, high-quality, and, most importantly, done RIGHT the first time. No DIY heartbreak required!

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